
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Snyder’s of Hanover Pretzels Now Made in a Peanut-Free Facility – And a Giveaway

A box full of pretzels arrived the other day, from Snyder’s of Hanover. “Ooooh, pretzels, can I have some?” asked DH. “Not until I take pictures and do my review,” I replied. That’s a standard response in my house.

Disclosure: Snyder’s of Hanover sent me pretzels for review, and is sponsoring this giveaway and blog post.

My husband didn’t even notice that the packaging said “gluten-free,” and he definitely missed the big news. Yup, there’s news! Take a look at the labels:

In addition to the certified gluten-free labeling on the front of the package, check out the “no peanuts” label near the ingredients label. That’s right, these pretzels are now made in a completely peanut-free facility. Woo-hoo! And kudos to Snyder’s!

Note that I received only gluten-free pretzels in my package but Snyder’s also makes traditional wheat pretzels,  also produced in a peanut-free facility.

It’s important to note that Snyder’s pretzels never “contained” peanuts; i.e., the ingredients list never listed peanuts. But making the production facility completely peanut-free means the risk of cross-contamination has been minimized and makes these snacks safe for just about anyone or anywhere. Send them to school with your child in a peanut-free classroom or take them on an airplane without worries about your own child or the person sitting next to you.

And the best news is that they taste great! The formula hasn’t changed – you will still be eating the best pretzels around.

Now you can try the new pretzels too! Snyder’s of Hanover is giving away a product prize pack and a $25 VISA gift card to one lucky winner. Enter here:

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Share, share, share (use hashtag #PretzelsBaby) and spread the #PeanutFree news!


  1. My daughters love pretzels. They are such an easy snack!

  2. I love the crunch and the salt.

  3. I love the delicious flavor and salt on the outside that gives it so much flavor.

  4. We have been gluten free for almost 5 years in our house. Finding "mainstream" safe options that are also peanut free is a challenge! Finding snacks that my children can have that "look" like everyone else's is always wonderful!!!
    We love Snyders gluten free pretzels in our house!

  5. I have ALWAYS loved pretzels. Love the crunch and the salt. So happy I can now find gluten free pretzels that I can afford! Dee Fedor

  6. I love the saltiness. I snack on pretzels all the time.

  7. I like pretzels as a salty snack and they are easy to eat anywhere.

  8. I like them because they are a non-perishable snack. You can toss a handful into a ziplock baggie and take them to work, school, or even a trip.

  9. I love how crunchy they are and they taste great with a dip too.

  10. I like that they are a salty snack that are mess-free!

  11. Salty goodness is why I like pretzels! You can dip them in almost anything because they are so versatile.

  12. I like they are convenient to grab and crunchy.

  13. I love that they are lower calorie than chips. Love the saltiness and crunch too!

  14. I love the salty crunch! And the are better for me than chips.

  15. They are delicious and salty...mmmm Now I have to go find some.

  16. These are great pretzels. My husband and I actually like the gluten-free ones better than the wheat ones. Hooray for Snyders!

  17. So excited about the! Love a little less worry!

  18. I like that they're easy to take along anywhere!

  19. I love that they are crunchy and salty.

  20. I like the saltiness and crunch of pretzels.
    thank you

  21. I love pretzel sticks with cream cheese!
