
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Amrita Energy Bar Product Review

I've been receiving a lot of new products lately and that's always fun, but the downside is that sometimes it takes me a while to get them to do a proper review. I received a complimentary sample of Amrita Energy Bars a couple of months ago, and after trying them I'm wondering why I waited so long.

The closest thing I can compare them to are Larabar energy bars. Of course, Larabar's are based on nuts, whereas Amrita bars are based on seeds. The ingredients of the Amrita are simple -- primarily seeds and fruits. Date paste is the first ingredient and the remaining fruits vary based on the flavor, as do the seeds. They are top-8 allergen-free with do contain sesame. They also carry a warning for coconut (which you all know by now isn't really a tree nut).

Updated 10/01/2015: According to a company representative, the bars are made in a facility that makes foods with nuts and gluten. Therefore, these may not be appropriate for those with nut, wheat, and gluten allergies.

With flavors like cranberry raisin, apple cinnamon, apricot strawberry, and chocolate maca, there is a flavor for every palate. Pictured above is apricot strawberry. These bars are simple, taste great, easy to share, and travel well. I now have a new bar to throw in my bar for "whenever."


  1. I was very upset to find a nut warning on these bars after I purchased them for my son who has a serious allergy to peanuts. I chose these bars specifically because they are being marketed as an allergy friendly food. I called the company and spoke to someone who informed me that the bars are in fact packaged in a plant where nuts of all kinds are present. He indicated that the bars are not really intended for people with serious food allergies. Instead they are more of a "school safe" product for those children who cannot bring nut products to school but who are not truly allergic themselves. I was told (by Amrita) that my son should not eat these if he has an anaphylactic type of allergy and carries an epi pen. Please do not recommend these bars.

  2. Allergy mom, thanks for your comment! I checked with Amrita and here is what they had to say:

    "On all our packaging we very clearly say that these bars are made in a facility that makes foods with nuts and gluten. Our ingredients are free of the peanuts/treenuts (except for coconut)/gluten/soy/dairy/eggs/ and are non-gmo certified, kosher and they are raw.

    The facility follows strict guidance around equipment cleanliness - but I always tell people that it is a facility that co-packs so there is always a risk."

    I have updated the post accordingly.
