
Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Busy Month

I’m about to get on a plane for Austin to attend BlogHer Food. While there, I’ll be speaking on a panel about food photography with Melissa Skorpil and Katie Jasiewicz. The name of our session is “How to Fake Great Photos.” Seems very appropriate, and it should be loads of fun. If you are in Austin please stop by!

When I get back I’ll be prepping for a local class that I am co-teaching with two other fabulous women, Alyson Chugerman and Colleen Ashe. On Saturday June 15th we’ll be teaching “Your Allergy Free Home and Kitchen,” with both food demos and a discussion on organizing your pantry.

On June 19th I’ll be at the Mid-Hudson Civic in Poughkeepsie signing books from 7:30-9:30am. This Breakfast of Champions event is hosted by the Poughkeepsie Chamber of Commerce.

Also on June 19th, I’ll be presenting a Kids with Food Allergies webinar titled, How to Bake a Perfect Cake. I’ll be doing a virtual demo and answering your questions. Sign up here.

And last but not least, On June 28th and 29th I’ll be in Philly for APFED’s annual conference. I’ll be speaking on Friday – my session is titled “Cooking Solutions for Restricted Diets.” I’ll also be signing books on Friday and Saturday.

Whew! I think that’s enough to keep a girl busy. If you plan to be at any of these events please let me know so we can connect.