
Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Speaking and Signing Schedule

Where, oh where, do I plan to be? After a relatively quiet winter with just a handful of local events (and waaaay too much snow), I’ve got some important events coming up.

Here’s my schedule (so far) for April through June:

On Monday April 15th I will be meeting with the Food Allergy and Asthma Support Group of New Jersey. I’ll be doing an allergen-free baking demo. Demos are my favorite!

On April 20th and 21st I’ll be signing books at the Gluten-Free and Allergen-Free Expo in Chicago. I attended my first GF/AF Expo last year and it was awesome – and big!! I am looking forward to this event and finding some great new products!

On June 7th and 8th I’ll be at BlogHer Food in Austin. Having been to both BlogHer Food and BlogHer, the food conference is my favorite. I’ll be speaking on Friday along with Melissa Skorpil on How to Fake Great Photos. I love the name for our session. Are we all faking it? Or is it just me? Hmmm…

At the end of June I’ll be at the APFED conference in Philadelphia. This is the conference for families dealing with eosinophilic disorders (EGID, EoE). On Friday June 28th I’ll be speaking on Cooking Solutions for Restricted Diets. I’ll be signing books on Friday and Saturday.

If you plan to be at any of these events I’d love to meet you!


  1. I think I will be at GFAF. Looking forward to seeing you again!

  2. Colette You are a superstar in our food allergy world and beyond!

    We're all very proud of you and your work.

  3. Alisa, will you be at the GFAF Expo in Chicago? I'll be in Chicago, NJ, and possibly Dallas. Would be great to see you!

    Caroline, you rock!
