
Monday, February 11, 2013

A Change in Plans (and Truffles for Valentine’s Day)

Last Friday many of us needed to change our plans, hampered by the weather. I had plans to visit with Lori Sandler and a group of fabulous Moms to talk about the day-to-day challenges of food-allergy parents, and to just have fun. We were going to make chocolate truffles (using Lori’s fabulous chocolate chips from Divvies Bakery). If you’ve been lurking here for a while you know that I think everything is better when chocolate is added.

But we were snowed in, and I decided to make truffles anyway. Chocolate even makes a blizzard better.

There’s still time to make truffles for Valentine’s Day! This is a great activity to do with the kids – just be prepared to get your hands dirty and wear something washable. The recipe and steps to make these basic chocolate truffles is here, and you can find many variations on this site or create your own.

Here are the truffles I made for you:

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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