
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Be Sure to Get Your Allergy Free Survival Kit

Late last year, Lauren Wuscher of Lauren David Style asked me if I’d like to participate in a food allergy survival kit she was putting together. Heck, yeah! Some decisions are just that easy. Anything that will help food allergy families is something I want to support!

The Allergy Free Survival Kit is chock full of goodies, including samples, coupons, information, and more! It includes some of my personal favorite brands – Enjoy Life Foods, Bob’s Red Mill, and Home Free – and many more! It even includes information about my upcoming book. And the best part is – it’s free!

But don’t wait! There are a limited number of kits to go around, and you will surely want to make sure you get yours! So click here to your Lauren David Style, Allergy Free Survival Kit. Again, the kit it free, but you will need to pay shipping.

Let me know what you think when you get it!


  1. Hi Colette,

    Love the idea of the Allergy-Free Survival Kit. I have been following your blog for a while now and your journey truly inspires me. Hence, you are one of the recipiants of the Liebster award

  2. Anu, you are so sweet! Thank you! (It may take me a few days to post my own awards, but they are coming!)
