Thursday, August 26, 2010

Snack Series: Newman-O’s

They’re wheat-free, they’re dairy-free…

They’re Newman O’s.

And they taste almost identical to that other crème-filled chocolate sandwich cookie that those with food allergies can’t eat. Yes, they taste so much like Oreo cookies that I dare you to do a taste test and see if you can tell the difference. They even look and feel like Oreo Cookies.

Notes: these are not for those who need a gluten-free product – they do contain barley flour. They are free of the top eight allergens, but do contain soy lecithin (not soy protein). They are processed in a facility that also processes nuts.

Newman O’s come in a variety of flavors, but the one that food-allergic families will want to look for comes in the blue package and is labeled “wheat-free, dairy-free”.

I love to take a package of these along on trips to Grandma’s house, and they make a very easy snack to add to a lunchbox or take along for a day trip. Just take a handful in a baggie and you’re all set.They now also come in a smaller package (9 oz. instead of 16 oz.), with purple labeling.  

Oh, and yes, you can open the sandwich and eat the center first.

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